
20131214: Drama Review--The Playroom

The Playroom
  1. Fundamentals, reception.
    1. American live action feature length film, 2012, NR, 82 minutes, indie drama.
    2. IMDB: 5.2/10.0 from 400 audience ratings. Spoken word is in English.
    3. Rotten Tomatoes: 55% on the meter; 55% liked it from 310 audience ratings.
    4. Netflix: 3.0/5.0 from 15,898 audience ratings.
    5. Directed by: Julia Dyer.  Written by: Gretchen Dyer.
    6. Starring: John Hawkes as Martin Cantwell, Molly Parker as Donna Cantwell, Olivia Harris as Maggie Cantwell, Cody Linley as Ryan (Maggie's boyfriend), Ian Veteto as Sam Cantwell, Alexandra Doke as Janie Cantwell, Jonathan Brooks as Clark Knotts, Lydia Mackay as Nadia Knotts.

  2. Setup and Plot
    1. Martin and Molly Cantwell have four children, Maggie, Ryan, Sam, and Janie.  The parents are alcoholic, and mostly absentee.  Maggie serves as surrogate mother.  She and the younger children often cleanup after the mess that the parents leave behind (cigarette butts, drinks glasses, random clothing, and so on).

    2. It's the era of the Patty Hearst kidnapping, when cigarettes were still popular and considered socially acceptable.  Partner swapping seemed to be OK as well.  After stealing yet another of her mother's birth control pills, Maggie observes her mother being kissed and fondled by the man of a couple visiting to play bridge.

    3. Several drinks later, the parents do not notice that the older boy has fallen off the roof.  Maggie does the required first aid.  More drinks later, the parents and the guests openly discuss Donna's infidelity with Clark.  Nadia and Martin are taken aback and depressed, respectively, and the friendship of the couples takes a hit.

    4. Throughout the film, the four children weave stories in the attic as a defense against the ugly realities.  They are constructing a rather nice one when Martin asks Maggie to come downstairs.  Maggie reveals that Molly is pregnant by Clark, and the adults erupt.  Maggie screams to avoid bloodshed.

    5. Will anyone find a path out of this real and deep mess?

  3. Conclusions
    1. The film has themes similar to those seen in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm, 1997.
    2. One line summary: Teen daughter takes care of three younger siblings while alcoholic parents ignore them.
    3. Four stars of five.

  4. Scores
    1. Cinematography: 10/10 Professionally done.

    2. Sound: 10/10 No problems.

    3. Acting: 8/10 Olivia Harris was excellent as Maggie.  The child actors were fairly good, and I liked John Hawkes' performance.

    4. Screenplay: 7/10 There were so many cuts that the film seemed awfully choppy.

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