
20140410: Animation Review--The Croods

The Croods
  1. Fundamentals, reception.
    1. American animated feature length film, 2013, NR, 98 minutes, animated, comedy.
    2. IMDB: 7.3/10.0 from 92,482 audience ratings. Estimated budget: 135 millions USD.
    3. Rotten Tomatoes: 70% on the meter; 78% liked it from 184,720 audience ratings.
    4. Netflix: 4.2/5.0 from 2,115,656 audience ratings.
    5. Directed by: Kird De Micco and Chris Sanders.
    6. Starring: Nicolas Cage as Grug, Emma Stone as Eep, Catherine Keener as Ugga, Ryan Reynolds as Guy, Chloris Leachman as Gran, Clark Duke as Thunk, Chris Sanders as Belt, Randy Thom as Sandy.

  2. Setup and Plot
    1. Setup: which planet, don't know.  Time: not so sure when.  We follow a stone age family  who are evicted from their cave by geologic activity.  Grug is the father, Eep the teen daughter, Ugga the wife, Guy the perspective mate of Eep, Gran the grandmother, Sandy the young sister, Thunk the clueless brother, Belt the monkey pet of Guy.

    2. Guy knows how to make tones from a sea shell; he teaches Eep.  Guy knows that geologic cataclysms are to come; he warns them all.  Guy knows how to make fire; he uses it to save the family.  Guy knows the value of shoes, which lets him get free of the obnoxiously stupid family, at least temporarily.

    3. Guy negotiates with the family to learn new things to get to a new home.  Grug grows jealous when leadership migrates from Grug to Guy.

    4. The family eventually loses its acceptance of caves as a place to live.  Grug and Guy bond during an incident with a tar slick, but the dangers are not over yet.

    5. Does the family find its way to a new home that is at least relatively safe?

  3. Conclusions
    1. One line summary: Stone age family uses wits and luck to find a new home.
    2. Four stars of five.

  4. Scores
    1. Art/Animation: 10/10 Brilliant.

    2. Sound: 8/10 The incidental music is a bit florid at times, but still good.

    3. Voice Acting: 8/10 Leachman, Cage, and Reynolds were fun.  Stone was OK.

    4. Story: 8/10 Good humour through most of the story, plus a poignant ending.

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