
20140822: Horror Review--The Den

The Den
  1. Fundamentals, reception.
    1. American live action feature length film, 2013, NR, 76 minutes, horror.
    2. IMDB: 6.0/10.0 from 2,173 audience ratings.
    3. Rotten Tomatoes: 77% on the meter; 62% liked it from 563 audience ratings.
    4. Directed by: Zachery Donahue.
    5. Starring: Melanie Papalia as Elizabeth Benton, David Schlachtenhaufen as Damien, Matt Riedy as Sgt. Tisbert, Adam Shapiro as Max.

  2. Setup and Plot
    1. Elizabeth Benton gets a university grant to explore and classify what she finds online in chat rooms.  She sees much of what she expected in terms of diverse activities, but she also encounters something rather disturbing.  A chat room user will not show their face.  This is followed by that user hacking her computer, recording (and replaying) intimate dealings between her and boyfriend Damian, then showing her what appears to be a snuff video.

    2. The police show some interest, but do not have enough facts to go forward in the investigation.  As more odd goings-on occur, the police become irritated with her for wasting their time.  Damien tries to help in tracking down those involved, but the miscreant has considerable skill.  He hacks her account, severely hurts her relationship with her thesis committee, and does even worse things to her family.

    3. Cut off from most of her support group, can Liz help her family and save herself?

  3. Conclusions
    1. One line summary: A reasonable story turned into bloody drivel.
    2. Three stars of five

  4. Scores
    1. Cinematography: 4/10 Varies considerably. Some is excellent and professional; some is the worst side of shaky cam.

    2. Sound: 6/10 Also varies considerably.  Endless groaning and breathing is not all that worthwhile.

    3. Acting: 4/10

    4. Screenplay: 7/10 As a story about possible downsides to modern social media interactions, it is fairly good.  It might have been told better without the shaky cam and the poor sound.

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