
20130930: Horror Preview--Meatball Machine

Meatball Machine
  1. Fundamentals
    1. Japanese live action feature length film, 2005, NR, 90 minutes, action, horror, SciFi.  Spoken word is Japanese.
    2. IMDB: 5.8/10.0 from 896 users.  Estimated budget: low.  This is a remake of Meatball Machine, 1999.
    3. Rotten Tomatoes: 'No reviews yet,' and 43% from 65 audience ratings.
    4. Directed by: Yodai Yamaguchi
    5. Starring: Issei Takahashi as Yochi, Aoba Kawai as Sachiko.

  2. Setup and Plot
    1. Shy factory worker, Yoji, trudges through life.

    2. Alien parasites control people and get them to fight each other.

    3. The people Yoji works with try to get him sexual experience.  After yet another failure along these lines, Yoji finds an alien, and takes it to his work.  He tries to drill into it, and fails.

    4. Yoji prevents his boss from raping a woman, Sachikio, who works near the factory.  He gets beaten up and fired, but meets the woman, anyway.  She was a victim of child abuse at the hands of her father.

    5. In the middle of their revealing discussion to one another, one of the aliens attacks her.  He tries lamely to stop it, and fails utterly.  She attacks him, then leaves.  Yoji wakes up in a place where an alien hunter hangs out.  The alien hunter explains some of the history of the quiet invasion, and tells him that the only way to save Sachiko is to kill her and the parasite.  The hunter's daughter was partially saved from the parasites, but is still somewhat infected.  So the hunter infects Yoji so he can feed Yoji to his daughter.

    6. Yoji and Sachiko fight each other.  Way too many minutes on the internal shots of tiny parasites in context-free wiggling.

  3. Conclusions
    1. One line summary: Ugly, poorly crafted; short on ideas, long on poor execution.
    2. One star of five.

  4. Scores
    1. Cinematography: 3/10 Soft focus, wobbly camera.

    2. Sound: 3/10 Harsh, staccato, irritating.  Anti-relevant background music.

    3. Acting: 1/10 What acting?

    4. Screenplay: 4/10 Short on ideas, long on poor execution.

    5. SFX: 1/10 So much obvious effort, so badly done.

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